We are looking forward with great anticipation to our upcoming Dinner Dance! We sincerely hope you will join us on March 8, 2025, as we return to the beautiful Cloister in the Woods, Munster, IN. The evening will feature a delicious family style dinner, open bar, music and dancing, raffles and silent auctions, and of course our 2025 awards ceremony–recipients TBA.
Thank you to all who have supported us in the past by placing ads in the keepsake commemorative program/ad book that each attendee will receive. This is a great way to advertise your business, honor a loved one, or send us a special message while supporting SCPF and the services we offer to our community. If you or your company is interested in placing an ad this year, you may download a form here and return it to us with payment (checks payable to South Chicago Parents and Friends) or you may pay online here. Art and ad copy may be emailed to jgray@scpf-inc.org no later than Thursday, February 27, 2025.
NEW THIS YEAR! We have available several event sponsorships. Want to help us defray the cost of the event? You can sponsor beverages, music, awards, or even printing and signage, and we will feature you in the program. Visit our event page and click on the Sponsor Our Event button.
Please visit our Facebook page to see the photos from Dinner Dance 2024!
Much Gratitude to Our 2024 Donors!
Ace Hardware
Argires Snacks – anuts.com
The Bonifazi Family
Micheal Bridges
Maria Cabrera
Lynn Cahill
Calumet City Plumbing
Camp Homework
The Cap Family
Nancy Chmura
Eli’s Cheesecake Cafe
The Emerald Green Restaurant at Lost Marsh
Field Museum
Susan Sadlowski Garza
Kate Gill
The Gray Family
Michelle Gundich
Kathy Hays
Cheryl Hipp
Hodges Chiropractic
Bobbie Johnson
Kendra Scott Jewelry
KOVAL Distillery
Let’s Roam
Lincoln Oaks Golf Course
Lost Marsh Golf Course
Mascot Hall of Fame
Dave Mosele
Charity Musick
Jeff Novak
Mary O’Malley
O’Reilly Auto Parts
Sylvia Ortega
Paw Palace
Pete’s Fresh Market
PRP Wine International
Judy Rogala
Schoop’s Hamburgers
Shedd Aquarium
Sky High Sports & Jump Zone
Catalina Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Torres
Walt’s Food Centers
Windy City Thunderbolts
Whoa Zone at Whihala Beach
Special Thanks to Our 2024 Ad Book Supporters!
Marsha Amraen & Pat McGuire
Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 43
Blair’s Service
The Bonifazi Family
Byline Bank
The Cahill Family
Cheeseburger Group/Friends of Gena
Chicago’s Finest Ironworks
Claretian Associates
Colin & Geni Cutler
Family Dental Care, South Chicago
Fifth Third Bank
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch
Frank’s Auto Rebuilders
Hudson Funeral Home Ltd.
K & R Primetime Painters
The Kirby Family
Knights of Columbus Trinity Council #3755
Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce
Cleverlon Letbetter
Edwin H. Lugowski, Jr., AIA, Architect
The Kevin O’Brien Family
Peoples Bank
Rick’s Muffler & Brakes, Inc.
Ridge Animal Clinic
Tom Schell/The George Schell Classic
South Suburban Heating & Air Conditioning
The Stone Family
Teachers’ Teacher
Jesse & Sharon Terrazas
Thorek Memorial Hospital
Marilyn Venti and Greg Haase
Village of Lansing Trustee Brian Hardy
Village of Lansing Trustee Maureen Perovich
Walt’s Food Centers